The Problem with Studying for the Regents: Scattered Online Resources & Archaic, Colorless Review Books

Regents exams are important assessments for students in New York. They attempt to measure student knowledge and determine whether students are meeting standards. However, preparing for these exams is challenging because of the scattered resources and outdated review books available.
One of the main issues with studying for Regents exams is the lack of a centralized, comprehensive resource for students to turn to. While there are a few websites that cover past tests, they are difficult for students to find and navigate. In addition, the information available can often be fragmented and outdated, making it difficult for students to get a complete understanding of the exam material.
Another issue with Regents exam prep is the quality of review books. Barron’s review books are archaic and colorless, with only terse text explanations of the material. These books literally haven’t changed in generations.
Furthermore, the lack of engaging, interactive study materials can also make studying for Regents exams ineffective. Students today are used to a high level of interactivity and multimedia in their educational materials, but all of the review materials available for Regents exams are dry and colorless. This makes it harder to study for these exams.

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